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The Initiator

Liu Guangwei, director,Research Center for Shiology, Renmin University of China; the founder of Shiology; the director-general of World Shiology Forum; the initiator of global governance of world Shiance issues; the president of Beijing Shiology Research Institute.
Research fields: shiance issues, holistic management of shiance issues, shiology science system construction. 
He has been working in the field of shiances such as food planting, food farming, food processing, food cooking, and food fermentation for more than 40 years. He has launched shiance media, educational institutions, and social organizations, organized various shiance public interest activities, and published more than 20 books. Having been continuously exploring the root causes and ultimate solutions to shiance issues in his long-term practice.
Liu Guangwei has discovered the non-holistic nature of the human shiance knowledge, and therefore constructed a whole system of shiance knowledge and a theoretical system, to provide the global public goods for completly solving human shiance issues.


About Shiology

Shiology is Shiance workings includes eat and food. Shiology is defined as "the body of knowledge that reveals the human objective laws of shiance." Shiology is a knowledge system that studies and solves the issues of human shiance; shiology is a science that studies the relationship and law between human and food, shiology is a knowledge system that studies the occurrence, development, and law of human shiance behavior, and studies the causal relationship between human eating behavior and eating problem. It is a knowledge system to study and inherit the correct shiance behavior of human beings, correct inappropriate shiance behavior, and maintains the sustainable development. Shiology jumps out of the traditional habit, no longer from the perspective of agriculture, grain, food, nutrition, but chooses a larger concept – shiance to look at the problems of human eating matters from the perspective of shiance. With the overall cognition instead of partial cognition, with insight into the overall situation instead of the “blind people feeling the elephant”, so as to achieve a holistic solution to the problems of human eating matters.

the study that integrates human knowledge of eaters` health, food acquisition, and shiance order into one system, and researches into the dynamic relationships between human and food, human and the source of all shiance within the food ecological system, and food and world order. This new knowledge system frees us from the constraints of discipline boarders, holds the key to our understanding of global shiance issues and aims to take a fresh holistic approach to the problems.

We have been confronted with nine Shiance issues includes food quantity, food quality, food sustainability, food wastage, eating related diseases, the numbers of eaters, eaters’ longevity, eaters’ rights. Shiance problems is not merely food problems any more. It plays a critical role in eradicating poverty, improving human health, increasing agricultural production, ensuring food safety, protecting the environment and maintaining biodiversity. We cannot achieve sustainable development without understanding Shiology and applying it in practice.

The Belt and Road Eatology Forum Beijing World Eatology Forum Campaigns at Bird Nest to object cooking rare animals, advocating cooking with natural food ingredients for health and no chemical additive Osaka G20 World Eatology Forum

The Initiator

Liu Guangwei, director,Research Center for Shiology, Renmin University of China; the founder of Shiology; the director-general of World Shiology Forum; the initiator of global governance of world Shiance issues; the president of Beijing Shiology Research Institute.
Research fields: shiance issues, holistic management of shiance issues, shiology science system construction. 
He has been working in the field of shiances such as food planting, food farming, food processing, food cooking, and food fermentation for more than 40 years. He has launched shiance media, educational institutions, and social organizations, organized various shiance public interest activities, and published more than 20 books. Having been continuously exploring the root causes and ultimate solutions to shiance issues in his long-term practice.
Liu Guangwei has discovered the non-holistic nature of the human shiance knowledge, and therefore constructed a whole system of shiance knowledge and a theoretical system, to provide the global public goods for completly solving human shiance issues.


About Shiology

Shiology is Shiance workings includes eat and food. Shiology is defined as "the body of knowledge that reveals the human objective laws of shiance." Shiology is a knowledge system that studies and solves the issues of human shiance; shiology is a science that studies the relationship and law between human and food, shiology is a knowledge system that studies the occurrence, development, and law of human shiance behavior, and studies the causal relationship between human eating behavior and eating problem. It is a knowledge system to study and inherit the correct shiance behavior of human beings, correct inappropriate shiance behavior, and maintains the sustainable development. Shiology jumps out of the traditional habit, no longer from the perspective of agriculture, grain, food, nutrition, but chooses a larger concept – shiance to look at the problems of human eating matters from the perspective of shiance. With the overall cognition instead of partial cognition, with insight into the overall situation instead of the “blind people feeling the elephant”, so as to achieve a holistic solution to the problems of human eating matters.

the study that integrates human knowledge of eaters` health, food acquisition, and shiance order into one system, and researches into the dynamic relationships between human and food, human and the source of all shiance within the food ecological system, and food and world order. This new knowledge system frees us from the constraints of discipline boarders, holds the key to our understanding of global shiance issues and aims to take a fresh holistic approach to the problems.

We have been confronted with nine Shiance issues includes food quantity, food quality, food sustainability, food wastage, eating related diseases, the numbers of eaters, eaters’ longevity, eaters’ rights. Shiance problems is not merely food problems any more. It plays a critical role in eradicating poverty, improving human health, increasing agricultural production, ensuring food safety, protecting the environment and maintaining biodiversity. We cannot achieve sustainable development without understanding Shiology and applying it in practice.

The Belt and Road Eatology Forum

Beijing World Eatology Forum

Campaigns at Bird Nest to object cooking rare animals, advocating cooking with natural food ingredients for health and no chemical additive

Osaka G20 World Eatology Forum